Everyone has a story to tell…
we can help you get started.
Our Courses
Memoir Moments
This FREE 8 lesson course will take you through a series of easy to follow writing exercises. The included worksheets help you harvest your story one experience at a time.
By the end of the course, you will complete one of the stories that make up your life story and you will master a simple story harvesting system you can use again and again to harvest and preserve the moments and memories that make up your life.
Life Story Photo Workbook
They say that a picture is worth a thousand words and if you’ve ever had difficulty starting to harvest your life stories this course and 21-page workbook will help you finally bust those barriers that have been holding you back.
In the course, using your own photographs, I’m going to take you through each section of the Life Story Photo Workbook. I’ve broken down harvesting your stories into quick, bite-sized chunks and with each lesson, I give you tips and suggestions to stimulate your memories and get you writing.
By the end of this course you will have a workbook full of photos and stories and will have produced a body of your own life stories you can be proud of.
“If a picture paints a thousand words, a story paints a thousand pictures.” Terrence L. Gargiulo